Work has commenced this week on the upstairs bar, which is receiving a well deserved spruce up.
Over the coming weeks we will give updates on the works and preview pics as we go along.
Please note, the works will stop over weekends for the regular
football schedule - please refer to the January Schedule below to see exactly when the bar is open and closed.
Work to be completed as follows;
- Built in seating area - Relocation of pool table + pool table recovering/repair - Bar colour changed to green with gold hand rail (picture shows the grey undercoat) - Bar to receive new mirror backing + stands - Fully Repainted woodwork, ceilings and walls in washable/hardwearing paint. - Entrance Hallway to be repainted in washable/hardwearing paint. - Dancefloor to be sanded and re-varnished - New TVs around pool table - Reupholstered chairs - Revamped tables - New carpet - New external signage - Photo wall to be updated
Keep an eye out on the website and Twitter for more updates!
Thanks to all involved for their time and help with the project.